
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Radiant MoonTimer Art Tin Prints!

 Long Overdue News department!


I was ecstatic to have my first one-woman art show hosted by the Gypsy House Cafe in April. At the opening, several local artist friends came in, which I considered an honor. We dubbed ourselves the Famous, Almost Famous and Somewhat Infamous Club. The cafe, run by two sisters, has awesome Chai and other beverages, a varied international menu,and a very light, calm ambience. I recommend it highly for any meetings you may be arranging.

One week later, I hurt my back seriously enough to land in the ER. I was in pain for a full month. Even breathing was painful. So I do apologize for not sending this invite to more of my local Luna-Ticks, but I was barely able to do very basic things like feed the cats! 

Over the summer I've had pieces shown in two other shows, sponsored by the ever-bubbling Chicano Humanities and Arts Council (CHAC). At a beautiful new exhibit space created by Rebecca Rosales  from shipping containers, I  - a 'new' artist only exhibiting in galleries since 2018 - was honored to have my work featured in the Artista Feminina show, alongside noteworthy established local women artists including Meagan DeAnza, Arlette Lucero, Tara Seren, and S.A. Bennett, women whose work I have admired for years.

I'm third from left, for those who've never met me :)

The other show embraces the theme of Journey Through the Generations. It is exciting to have three pieces in this show at the new location of CHAC's main gallery, at 1560 Teller Street. The opening was celebrated to the max, with a huge crowd on First Friday, June 3rd, and a profound ceremony by the troupe of Aztec danzantes that was the first in Colorado, originally founded and led by Capitan Raul Huitzilopochtli Chavez, who returned to the ancestors on May 7th. His funeral was attended by over 200 Aztec danzantes from around the country, some coming from as far as Mexico.

But, I digress. My real intention today is to share with you the incredible method I've come across for printing art derived from the MoonTimer calendar images!!!

Removing all the 'calendrical' information - the moons, the month, the dates - allows the portraits of women, doing curious things in unexpected landscapes, to be seen in a whole new way.
The images are printed on aluminum (I prefer to call it tin) and are incredibly light-weight: they could hang from a pushpin, but come with a custom hanger. But the best thing about them is their ability to RADIATE LIGHT.

When I'm designing the calendar, the images are backlit by the computer monitor. To compensate for the light that is lost in the transference to paper, I must add light to them. But these 'tin prints' are so light-emitting that they look like the original images  - like what you see now, backlit by computer! It is wonderful, I LOVE this medium!

Right now I am working in two main sizes: 12"x12" and 16"x 20". The repertoire of sizes will expand in the future. Click on the images to enlarge them.
I can basically produce a print from any particular image you may love, in any of the calendars from 2018 to the present (pre-2018 images present challenges, but are do-able).
I have already done one such custom print based on a customer request:

The Queen's Departure (16 x 20)
This was made to honor my dear young friend who followed her baby into the afterlife.
Here we see them, exalted in Zion, above St. Mary's Church in Axum, the sanctuary where the Ark of the Covenant was kept under guard after being secreted out of Jerusalem by Menelik, the son of King Solomon and Queen Sheba.

LOVE Against the Machine (12 x 12)

As armies with feet of clay march in lockstep with orders from tyrannical leaders, living creatures flee in the opposite direction. A  Zoroastrian girl is asking the Divine how the difficult times we're in can be resolved. She is framed by Persian lions who are charged with guarding the eternal flame.


Snake Oil (available in both sizes)
Under the Pleiades, a medicine woman, drawing from ancient texts and patterns embedded in cosmic crop circle energy, brews up her safe and effective medicine from hemp, for which she is being given an amethyst geode as payment. In the background, the dubious remedies produced by Snake Oil salesmen of the early 20th century, a metaphor for Big Pharma, are being dumped into the sea. This image appeared in the 2018 MoonTimer, asking the question: Is our Medicine safe? Thus the warning on the archaic book, which translates to, "About the remedies: Be Cautious."
Above is the 16 x 20 size. Detail really pops in this size. 
The 12x12 size is framed by a repeated graphic pattern of flaking paint chips:

Here are some others that are available only in 16x20 format.

She Accidentally Discovered Atlantis in Antarctica in the Afternoon
(in the morning, she had to go around to feed the cats).
The appearance of white animals, who are normally not white, is the signpost of the Lakota prophecy told by Chief Arvol Looking Horse, telling humanity that we are at the Crossroads. We see Admiral Byrd chased out of Antarctica by UFOs (a true incident during Operation High Jump), while a woman seeks intuitive, "non-local" information by scrying a crystal ball, a precursor to what we now call Remote Viewing. The epic battle between good and evil continues in the foreground and background. An enlightened Zen Monki calmly regards it all as the illusory play of Maya.
Lost pyramids of Atlantis are seen underwater, photographed off the western end of Cuba by Paulina Zelitsky in 2014. It is said they were inscribed with hieroglyphs unknown to us. In the image, a portion of an 'alphabet' from a crop circle, equally undecipherable to us, is used as a facsimile representing that unknown language.

Spring Break at Loch Ness
A host of whimsical characters are seen enjoying adventures and amusements at Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness. My maternal grandmother's lineage dates back to this place. The Crest of the Urquharts - Mean Well, Speak Well, Do Well - stands reflected in the Loch. This could be fun for a young person's room.

And some more in the 12x12 format:


The Seeds of Gossip
Bloodlines, legacies, and inheritance provoke jealousy and the 'seeds' of gossip. Here, the women of the court are seen reacting to news that the fine lady at left might be pregnant. She is checking her MoonTime and gazing her crystal ball (scrying) for information of the future. Where is the Prince, whose seed (represented by Anise seed) is carried by the 'hand of spirit' to rest in her womb? Will he return safely? Has he been faithful, or are there others in the court who carry one of those seeds?!

Robbery at the Mercado
The lady with the cigar knows the business of everyone at this market in Curacao. Only two young people turn away from commerce and gossip to listen for the Yoruba ancestors speaking through the Santeria dancers. Metaphorically echoing the return of the Kalki Avatar, who will ride in on a white horse, brandishing a sword to destroy all evil doers, the Lone Ranger challenges the Dutch West Indies Company - the initiator of the African slave trade - by shooting them right through the cotton balls. Saint Mirabel looks down in sadness at the souls whose destinies were stolen. At far right, Adelita (representing the soldaderas, women soldiers who fought against the Mexican government), has just arrived, clearly startled by all the goings-on, not the least of which is a tiger riding a surfboard. This one is also available in 16 x 20.

Knocking on Heaven's Door
Based on a sculpture commemorating an apparition of Mary that occurred in Knock, Ireland in 1879, this image reminds us of our ability to stay in conversation with the Divine. Perhaps she is interceding on behalf of the natural world that we so love. The constant and ubiquitous presence of the Divine is articulated by the empty chair, the seashell much like our spiraling DNA reaching up to touch the globe held in the hand of Jesus in the recently rediscovered 'lost painting' by Da Vinci, called El Salvator Mundi: the Saviour of the World. The scene is framed by sacred blue corn kernels.

More images will be offered soon. 

So, my friends, here is the scoop. I'm traveling and will be out of the country for most of September. To help finance my journey, I am selling these prints at a pre-holiday discount. In the galleries and shops where they are displayed they sell for $140 (12x12) to $225 (16 x 20). But without having to pay the gallery overhead fees I can offer to you any of the 12x12 for $100, and any of the 16x20 for $130.
More images will be offered soon.

You will notice there is no Paypal portal button on this page. I'm tired of arm-wrestling with Paypal's clumsy interface which doesn't work for me in this context. So I am asking that instead, you email me at RubiconMoon@gmail and tell me which print(s) you would like sent to you. 

Include your name, full address, and phone number; Name AND Size of print, as some are available in both sizes. I can then generate an invoice in Paypal and email you a picture of that, so that you can choose to pay through Venmo, Zelle, or, for my regular customers, by personal check through the mail. If you prefer to use the Paypal interface to pay with a debit/credit card, let me know that, and I can 'activate' the actual Paypal invoice (you'll receive by email from Paypal), instead of just a picture of it. Be sure to let me know how you want to pay!

Even while I am out of the country, I can have your item shipped to you, as long as the internet is on.

Shipping costs will vary with the number of items you order, but for one print you can expect to pay around $6. Sales tax of 2.9% sales tax will be added to your invoice.

SO - imagine getting some of your Christmas shopping done early!!! And don't forget to get a gift for yourself!

30-day money back guarantee (from date of receipt of item). If you are not happy with your purchase, I will refund your shipping cost so you can mail it back to me.

And by the way - for you LOCALS -- I will be out of town at the time of the opening, but YOU can still go! I am honored once again to be chosen to exhibit work with some of the best around, when I still feel like a newbie. My third exhibit of the season :)

I thank you so very much and send cheers, dears, from sunny Spain, where my daughter (who is working here for a year) brought me to celebrate my 70th! And if you can even believe it ( IS true...) out of all the apartments buildings in Valencia, this is the graffiti just outside the front door of hers!!

The Universe is amazingly clever sometimes :)